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Transitioning from the new year and beyond

Transitioning from the new year and beyond, as in life nothing is still or ever the same from one moment to the next.
The energy and efforts made to start the new year with a fresh mindset may start to wander. Maybe some of this is unavoidable, and so when this happens what little things can you do for yourself that would allow you the space and time to revisit some of these intentions or good habits.
It’s never about big wins, and often the lasting changes start off with small micro changes that we make and cultivate. This might be getting out for a 5 minute walk rather than the hoped for 30 minutes every day or breathing with more awareness for just two minutes instead of the lofty goal of 15 minute meditation.
Whatever we do and wherever we are starting from as we leave January and move  into February could we begin to invite a little more love, kindness and compassion into our hearts minds and body as a way of helping our seeds of intention continue to  grow firmer and more solid roots.

Danna Faulds poem ‘Lead me to the song of my heart’ speaks to this and the compassion that we all need and deserve.

Lead me to the song of my heart

and help me sing it unashamed

Help me stand before you in bare consciousness unflinching in your light

Lead me to the expression of my soul in all its fullness

Let me embrace my humanity

yet be anchored in divinity.

Help me unfetter the joy that I am.

Lead me to the stillness of my soul

where love and union dwell as one.

May I uplift others in the recognition of their magnificence

May I see the vastness of my own soul, and embrace it, unafraid and whole